By the time I got to my mid-teens I was mentally out and plotting my escape, so these demeaning talks used to make me cringe and seethe inside. This was the late 70s and the old sexist ways were falling to the wayside and had been for years but the JWs desperately clung to the old Leave it to Beaver days. I have no idea how other women in the KH felt about it because I didn't dare discuss my concerns or disagreement with anyone. It was head-down, pretend and endure for about 4 years until I left. Who knows? Maybe other women (and men) also felt like puking at these talks but thanks Darryl for your sympathy.
Gulf Coaster
JoinedPosts by Gulf Coaster
Poor Sisters
by Darryl ini really felt for you sisters i mean i really did.
when you showed up at the sunday meeting and found out the subject of the talk was going to be -and i can't quite remember the exact wording- but something to the effect of marriage and headship, or honoring and obeying your husband, or something like that how many of you wanted to jump right back in your car and head home.
i mean 45 straight minutes of beating down you poor ladies and telling you that you are not worthy of making one decision, taking the lead in anything, don't question the man be obedient and keep quiet.
Thankfully not many publishers remind " me" of Troy.
by The Rebel ini took my son to the watford football club family day,-and the highlight- troy deeney.
he stayed until every last item was signed and every selfie was taken.
we left way after the end of the event and he left after us.
Gulf Coaster
I was dragged into the cult by my mother, when I was 9, after she got roped in by two nice little old ladies at the door one day. I hated every minute of going door to door because I was painfully shy. I lived in terror of coming across someone I knew from school because I'd get bullied. I never advertised I was a JW, I didn't want anyone to know and I tried to live a double-life as best as I could, until I could finally escape. My memories of the others in service was that the vast majority of them were lazy, including my mother who was a feral, uber-dub in every other way. There were only a few zealous ones, so I tried to get in with the lazy ones so that I would end up at fewer doors and longer breaks.
Keep the meeting going! (even if somebody's dying)
by TimeBandit inthis is a true story.
it's about a sister named henriette venema.
she was a very loyal jw.
Gulf Coaster
Wow, that's so cold ... the story of Hennie and everyone else's. Cold and heartless.
Not interrupting the meeting was also stupid. First, how could anyone concentrate with all that drama going on? And second, it was a really poor "witness" for the EMTs. I doubt they were impressed by the "show of faith". Instead, they very likely thought those people in that KH were uncaring creeps.
Reinstated and then fade
by Zeds Dead ini'm a man - d'fd for 2.5 years now and divorced.
find it hard to date girls out here only due to always having this secret i carry with me that i was once a jw and the thought of telling a girl one day why my family don't acknowledge me as even alive.. recently been thinking of trying to get reinstated and then do a quick fade as i cant go back to the whole jw stuff.. easier said than done and was turned down twice by elders after an immediate attempt 2 years ago.. my motivation for trying would be 1.
) to see if family make contact and 2) play the last hand in their game and give the middle finger.. interested in viewpoints?.
Gulf Coaster
Being a JW in the past is not something you should be ashamed of, as if you were a criminal or something. Once you are in a relationship where the issue of family comes up and you feel you can trust them, you can talk about it. Just be honest, as honesty is a crucial cornerstone to any successful relationship.
You can say something like "my parents/family are JWs and I decided it wasn't for me but their cult doesn't accept freedom of thought and choice, so they shun me. That's what their religion tells them to do, as crazy as that sounds. So we don't have a relationship because of that. Not my choice, as I would associate with them no problem but they are told they are not allowed to have anything to do with me, to pressure me, through emotional blackmail, to go back."
She'll probably be shocked and disgusted, as everyone I've ever told that to has been. But they'll be understanding and they'll not hold that against you.
The best way to give that cult the middle finger is to live a full, happy life on your own terms.
The Shunning truth is now out...
by babygirl30 ini have been df'd for 9yrs as of july 31 (yay me!).
so as i have written about previously in other posts, my whole family (parents + sister) made the choice to treat me as if i do not exist, and i have accepted it.
last summer they made a blatant show of it as our family reunion, in that they would walk right by me and not say one word...prompting our extended family to question their actions.
Gulf Coaster
It would be interesting to hear what happens at the next reunion if someone brings up the shunning video. What will your JW rellies say in response to accusations that their cult advocates such hatefulness? What mental contortions and twisted BS will they spout to try to deny it? I'd love to be a fly on the wall at that reunion.
It was disgusting how they basically slandered you with their excuses as to why they shunned you, painting you as a bad person. They'll not come out looking too good at the next reunion and you might have created some family drama, but good on you! You were well justified to show their hatefulness, lies and hypocrisy.
How to argue with a JW who says the org never said the end in 75
by dogon ini have argued with several jws who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?.
Gulf Coaster
I was there too. I was 14. It's what started me questioning and doubting this "religion". I was out by age 20, as soon as I could manage it financially. I never felt the love when I was in, hated everything about it, so that 75 crap didn't help.
As far as debating it, don't bother. The one time I brought it up with my mother, she said I was mistaken. When I insisted I wasn't, she told me to stop lying to slander her beliefs or she'd end the conversation. They do not want to believe that their belief system is a pack of lies, it's too scary a place to go to.
Stand Up Comedy about JWs
by usualusername1 inhello all,i have just signed up to do a comedy course.
it starts in order to get a headstart, i did my first 5 minutes tonight about jws.i explained that i celebrated my first birthday last week.
bemusement and a tittle.explained that if you could choose between hare krishnas and people standing at a trolley/cart as a religion who would you choose?got a laugh.explained that the whole world will be destroyed if you do not listen to our message, yet we are not prepared to initiate a conversation at a trolley.big laugh.
Gulf Coaster
I thought your jokes were cute and it's a good start. Since JWs are probably what you're most familiar with, it makes sense to write comedy about that but I'm sure you'll branch out into other subjects. Good luck with your course. And I admire your bravery. The thought of doing stand-up comedy is terrifying. Talk about making yourself vulnerable! Good on you.
Yes, it is funny that despite the 130 years of marketing, most of the world knows very little about JWs, or cares to. I've done my bit to fill in the blanks for people whenever the subject has come up - very rarely, as I don't deliberately bring it up. I like to inform them about the shunning and breakup of families, the hiding of pedophiles and the fact that refusing blood transfusions is through coercion more than blind faith for most. Just doing my bit, being helpful and all ;-)
anyone else had this following convention
by freeandcontent inso my mam visited today.
she recently went to convention in north east england, newcastle i think they still have them at.
before she left she said (this is her exact words btw) "you have put me in a difficult position and i can't come to see you anymore".. she told me that as i live with my partner and we are unmarried that she can't visit anymore.
Gulf Coaster
Yeah, it's all your fault. Not hers, the person doing the actual shunning. No, you forced her into that position because you wanted to use your mind freely and to live your life your way. The horror!
Yes, it's astonishing how that can actually make sense to the JWs. The mind is a scary place sometimes, after a cult infects it.
Letter To My Mother
by pale.emperor inseeing as im being shunned by my family and friends.
i've decided to turn the tables and shun them back - but using the same methodology and reasoning they use on me.
i've written the following letter:.
Gulf Coaster
Poisonous convention ever. It's sick what they tell their followers to do.
I don't know when the convention is that my mother will be attending, or already has. Haven't rang her in at least 6 weeks, although it is her turn. I wonder what her attitude will be during our next conversation. I'm dreading it already, even more than I usually do.
Letter To My Mother
by pale.emperor inseeing as im being shunned by my family and friends.
i've decided to turn the tables and shun them back - but using the same methodology and reasoning they use on me.
i've written the following letter:.
Gulf Coaster
Great letter. Everything in it makes perfect sense and you've presented the facts with proof. I read how disgracefully your mother acted towards you, on your previous post, so she deserves this letter. She deserves worse, imo, but good for you for remaining civil and polite despite her nastiness.